Quote Originally Posted by sarah22 View Post
I'm a currently 3rd year computer science student. I use C++ on most of my project and might also use it on my thesis that's related on 3D Graphics which probably Math extensive.

Here in my school, they always tell me that I suck/lowtech/crazy because I don't code in java or C#. The reason I don't use it because I prefer to learn in C++ because of the OpenGL and DirectX, not because I don't know or something. Another one is I heard that most of the good games released today use C++.

My question is, why do most people(students,some teachers) insult/annoy/provoke me for using C++ as my main programming language? Here in my school, I heard that most of the graduating student use java/c# on their thesis. Am I on the wrong track for using C++? Should I stop using it and move to java or C#?
I call those people morons, especially the .NET users (Notice I don't use the term "developers").

They prefer speed over control and quality. It's just as it was/is with MFC and Win32API developers. When they got stuck with MFC's limitations they had no idea how to solve their problem because they didn't bother to understand what the MFC library is made of: Win32API.

As for Java and C++, there isn't much of a difference between them. Some people will claim (From complete lack of knowledge and experience) that Java is portable, unlike C++. The only people who say that and actually mean it, are the people that haven't tried to port their Java code to a different OS, and I'm not talking about your 5 line school homework Hello world programs!

But I guess we are all idiots, for example, a C++ developer will say that script development (Perl, TCL, Ruby, Python, etc) and Web development (Javascript, PHP, etc.) are not real software development.

Me... I will always low the .NET and regular VB "users".