Quote Originally Posted by Elysia View Post
The good thing is that DX11 will work on Vista too. Yay for DX11 - it's the future.
Oh, please. The future is DX12... no wait... DX13... err... 14?

Most of us have been around long enough to know what the future holds; A big bag of smelly hot air. That's what.
That's not the future. That's just one goddamn piece of software. And one at that that a huge portion of the Microsoft user base (which is businesses and an important percentage of home users) doesn't give a damn.

The future is much more important things. Like a bloody relational file system for once, or a mouse replacement, or a true GUI abstraction, or sandboxed secure system environment, or speech recognition, or a full-proof natural language architecture, or serious AI advancements, or... gosh, a new Operating System to end all operating systems that finally understand that an OS shouldn't be a stupid tool, but an intelligently invisible layer between the user and what he wants to do.