I have finally managed to get my own website online and have started putting some of my content on it. If you all could take a quick look at it and tell me what you think and give me some suggestions on how to improve it I would be very thankful.

A General Idea of my website:
When I thought of making a website I had many things in mind, I wanted a personal website to share anything I found interesting, I wanted to upload all my work to the internet and share it with the world, and I wanted to be able to let it grow and help others get through some of challenges i have already faced.
As you can see the website wouldn't have a set topic as I have many interests, including Robotics, Programming, Gaming, and lots of other things that allow me to create something new.

I don't expect to make money out of this site or even to get that many hits.

Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance