
I've been learning some 'Allegro' (a game programming library) for c++. i decided to compile what i'd learned and to try and make a pong clone called 'bat and ball'. ive run into a problem that i have been un-able to fix. when i run this code everything works as it should but the colision on the bat to ball doesn't work. please help:

#include <allegro.h>
#include <cstdlib>

int BallX = 100;
int BallY = 100;

int TempX = 100;
int TempY = 100;

int Dir = 1; //This will keep track of the circles direction
            //1= up and left, 2 = down and left, 3 = up and right, 4 = down and right

int PlayerX = 300;
int PlayerY = 400;            

int TempPlayerX = 300;
int TempPlayerY = 400;

void MovePlayer(){
     TempPlayerX = PlayerX;
     TempPlayerY = PlayerY;
     if (key[KEY_LEFT] && PlayerX > 10) {
                       PlayerX = PlayerX - 5;
     else if (key[KEY_RIGHT] && PlayerX < 570) {
                             PlayerX = PlayerX + 5;
     rectfill( screen, TempPlayerX, TempPlayerY, (TempPlayerX + 50), (TempPlayerY + 20), makecol ( 0, 0, 0));
     rectfill( screen, PlayerX, PlayerY, (PlayerX + 50), (PlayerY + 20), makecol ( 255, 255, 255));

void MoveBall(){

    TempX = BallX;
    TempY = BallY;
    if (Dir == 1 && BallX != 10 && BallY != 20 && (BallX < PlayerX || BallX > PlayerX + 50)) {
        BallX = BallX - 1;
        BallY = BallY - 1;
    } else if (Dir == 2 && BallX != 20 && BallY != 460) {

        BallX = BallX - 1;
        BallY = BallY + 1;

    } else if (Dir == 3 && BallX != 620 && BallY != 20)  { 
        BallX = BallX + 1;
        BallY = BallY - 1;

    } else if (Dir == 4 && BallX != 620 && BallY != 460) {

        BallX = BallX + 1;
        BallY = BallY + 1;
    } else if ((BallX > PlayerX || BallX < (PlayerX + 50)) && BallY == 395) { 

        BallY = BallY - 5;
        Dir = rand() % 4 + 1;
    else {
    Dir = rand() % 4 + 1;
    circlefill ( screen, TempX, TempY, 5, makecol( 0, 0, 0));
    circlefill ( screen, BallX, BallY, 5, makecol( 255, 255, 255));


int main(){

    set_gfx_mode( GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0);
    while( !key[KEY_ESC]){
    return 0;
