I am using Visual Studio 2005 to do some DirectX programming. I tried to include the dSound.h file and its accompanying .lib, but the compiler complains about this piece of code. I get errors that say:

C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed
C2061: syntax error: identifier LPWAVEFORMATEX
C2061: syntax error: identifer LPCWAVEFORMATEX
C2143: missing ';' before *
C2146: missing ';' before identifier 'lpwfxformat'

All of these errors stem from the header file. I have not added any code at all since I included dSound.h so I know it isn't anything in my main .cpp file. I only tried to compile after I included the header and got these errors. I don't know what the problem is and I don't know enough to putz around with this; does anybody here know what I can do to get this header file to compile properly, so I can use it in my program?