
I am working on a raytracer and are trying to make a mesh class so that I can load my own objects from files instead of just having boring primitives. I have written my own simple .obj file loader but something is really really wrong. When I try to load a model of a simple box I only get like 6 pixels that get the color of it. First I thought that maybe it was just because it was to small, but that is not the case (I think).

So I was hoping that someone could take a look and maybe spot whats wrong.

My method is to load the vertex coordinates from a file and construct triangles from it. I have already made a triangle class with intersection and all, so that part should work fine (a single triangle primitive renders perfectly)

// A small structure for holding the two cordinates of the UV
struct UV
       float u;
       float v;

// Convert a string into a Vector3D
Vector3D processVertex(std::string line);

// Create triangle
std::vector<Triangle> createTriangel(std::vector<Vector3D> list);

// Read the file, and convert it so that it can be used to something usefull
std::vector<Triangle> loadFromFile(char* FileName)
      std::string currentLine;            // Variable that holds the current line
                                          // we are using.
      std::vector<Vector3D> vertexList;   // A dynamic vector array for holding
                                          // the info about the vertexs
      std::vector<UV> uvList;             // Dynamic list of uvs
      std::vector<Vector3D> normal;       // Dynamic list with the normals of 
                                          // the object
      std::vector<Triangle> triangleList; // The list we return to create the object
                                          // as this is bacis we dont need to 
                                          // return uv and normals
      // Open file
      std::ifstream myFile (FileName);
      if (myFile.is_open())
          // While the file is open, we read the info and construct triangles
          while ( getline(myFile, currentLine) ) 
              // Check if this line holds vertex information. If the line starts 
              // with "v ", we will use it.
              if (currentLine[0] == 'v' && currentLine[1] == ' ' )
              // Check if the line holds uv information. If its starts with
              // "vt" if a uv.
              if (currentLine[0] == 'v' && currentLine[1] == 't')
                 // Read uv info
                 // My render dont have textures at this point
              // Check if the line holds normal information. If its starts with
              // "vn" if a normal.
              if (currentLine[0] == 'v' && currentLine[1] == 'n')
                 // Read normal info
                 // going to add this later
          // Finished with reading the file, close it
      // Create the triangles as the file is loaded
      // Dont work, not sure where the error is
      triangleList = createTriangel(vertexList);
      // Temp, just to check. This workd perfect.
      return triangleList;

// Convert a string into a vertex
Vector3D processVertex(std::string line)
         std::string vertexString[3];
         for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
             for (int i = 2; i <= line.size(); i++)
                 //Break up the string into the three cordinates
                 if ( line[i] != ' ')
         // Convert the string into a number
         Vector3D vertex( (float)atof(vertexString[0].c_str()),
         return vertex;

// Convert the vertex cords into triangles
std::vector<Triangle> createTriangel(std::vector<Vector3D> list)
    std::vector<Triangle> triangleList;
    for (int i = 0; i <= list.size(); i= i + 3 )
        triangleList.push_back(Triangle( list[i + 0],
                                          list[i + 1],
                                          list[i + 2] 
    return triangleList;
Thanks for your time