I'm working on a simple breakout clone. I have the board set up an a ball moving across it. But I have two (related?) problems :
(1) Instead of bouncing off the walls, the ball goes right through them.
(2) The ball should start off moving at an angle to the back left side but instead goes straight left. It acts like it is bouncing off of walls directly in front and behind, so that it can only move left to right.

This should create a bounding box for the floor/walls and one for the ball. before rendering each frame I check to see if the bounding box for the ball is still inside the bounding box for the floor/walls. If not then I change directions. Then I calculate the new bounding box for the ball and render the frame.

I have a mesh that is loaded for the ball and the floor / walls in seperate cMeshInstace objects and each one is attached to a seperate cMeshBoundingBox object.

Any Ideas? I have been messing with this most of the day and cannot figure it out.
bool cMeshBoundingBox::FindBounds(LPD3DXMESH Mesh) {
    // First get the min and max bounds for the object
    BYTE* pVertices = NULL;
    HRESULT hr;
    if (FAILED(hr = Mesh->LockVertexBuffer(D3DLOCK_READONLY, 
                                           (LPVOID*)&pVertices) ) ) {
        SHOWERROR("Could not lock Vertex Buffer", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return FALSE;
    D3DXComputeBoundingBox( (D3DXVECTOR3*)pVertices, 
                            D3DXGetFVFVertexSize(Mesh->GetFVF() ), 
                            &m_MinBounds, &m_MaxBounds);
    // Next get the 8 corners of the bounding box
    m_ObjectBounds[0] = D3DXVECTOR3(m_MinBounds.x, m_MinBounds.y, m_MinBounds.z);
    m_ObjectBounds[1] = D3DXVECTOR3(m_MaxBounds.x, m_MinBounds.y, m_MinBounds.z);
    m_ObjectBounds[2] = D3DXVECTOR3(m_MinBounds.x, m_MaxBounds.y, m_MinBounds.z);
    m_ObjectBounds[3] = D3DXVECTOR3(m_MaxBounds.x, m_MaxBounds.y, m_MinBounds.z);
    m_ObjectBounds[4] = D3DXVECTOR3(m_MinBounds.x, m_MinBounds.y, m_MaxBounds.z);
    m_ObjectBounds[5] = D3DXVECTOR3(m_MaxBounds.x, m_MinBounds.y, m_MaxBounds.z);
    m_ObjectBounds[6] = D3DXVECTOR3(m_MinBounds.x, m_MaxBounds.y, m_MaxBounds.z);
    m_ObjectBounds[7] = D3DXVECTOR3(m_MaxBounds.x, m_MaxBounds.y, m_MaxBounds.z);
    return true;
void cGameApp::UpdateFrame(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, float ElapsedTime) {
    m_pBall->TranslateRel(m_xDirection * ElapsedTime, 0.0f, 
                          m_zDirection * ElapsedTime);
    // do collision checking
    int collision = 0;
    // Collect the Bounding Boxes
    D3DXVECTOR3 bBallMin,   bBallMax,
                bPaddleMin, bPaddleMax,
                bFloorMin,  bFloorMax;
    m_pBall->GetBounds(&bBallMin, &bBallMax);
    m_pPaddle->GetBounds(&bPaddleMin, &bPaddleMax);
    m_pFloor->GetBounds(&bFloorMin, &bFloorMax);
    // check for Collision
    if (bBallMax.x > bFloorMax.x || bBallMin.x > bFloorMin.x)
        collision = 1;  // collision on x axis
    if (bBallMax.z > bFloorMax.z || bBallMin.z > bFloorMin.z)
        collision = 2;  // collision on z axis
    if (collision != 0) {
        if (collision == 1)
            m_xDirection *= -1;
        if (collision == 2)
            m_zDirection *= -1;
        m_pBall->TranslateRel(m_xDirection * ElapsedTime, 0.0f, 
                              m_zDirection * ElapsedTime);
void cMeshBoundingBox::UpdateBounds() {
    // get the world position of the bounding box
    D3DXVECTOR3 WorldBounds[8];
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                               GetWorldMatrix() );
    //  find the min and max bounds for the box
    m_MinBounds.x = m_MaxBounds.x = WorldBounds[0].x;
    m_MinBounds.y = m_MaxBounds.y = WorldBounds[0].y;
    m_MinBounds.z = m_MaxBounds.z = WorldBounds[0].z;
    for (int i=1;i<8;i++) {
        if (WorldBounds[i].x < m_MinBounds.x)  m_MinBounds.x = WorldBounds[i].x;
        if (WorldBounds[i].x > m_MaxBounds.x)  m_MaxBounds.x = WorldBounds[i].x;
        if (WorldBounds[i].y < m_MinBounds.y)  m_MinBounds.y = WorldBounds[i].y;
        if (WorldBounds[i].y > m_MaxBounds.y)  m_MaxBounds.y = WorldBounds[i].y;
        if (WorldBounds[i].z < m_MinBounds.z)  m_MinBounds.z = WorldBounds[i].z;
        if (WorldBounds[i].z > m_MaxBounds.z)  m_MaxBounds.z = WorldBounds[i].z;