Is there a way to use only the utility classes in MFC w/o having to include every portion of MFC?

I tried #include <afxwin.h> but got an error stating that MFC programs should not include "windows.h". I'm assuming since "d3dx9.h" includes "windows.h" this is where the error is originating.

I desperately need CString access so I can load data from disk that was written by my MFC game utilities. Personally I don't feel like converting from std::string to CString just for the sake of gaining string functionality.

Most of the Windows controls return LPWSTR which is no where near a char * and converting from char * to LPWSTR, LPCSTR, and LPCTSTR is a nightmare. Most of the C runtime functions want a const char * instead of a TCHAR * or any of the others mentioned.

Where the heck did all these string types come from?

From: Bubba
Location: String hell.