Ok ive been confused for a while and I still am as to how making a game works. Ok so what should i do after I learn c++?? Is it possible to make your own simple games with just pure C++ programming that is not text base? Is it necessary to learn Direct x or open gl? If so which one is used most in todays games? What do I need to know before I can start to make my own simple games? And if someone knows... can they summarize the process of making a professional game like the ones we buy in the stores today? like what happens first? story boarding? drawing? programming a game engine? How is all this tied together? Im not saying im going to make a professional game on my own because that would be impossible. I just want to know the general process of making one. And once you learn how to create simple 2d games is it easier to convert to 3d games?

Also I know there have been threads before on game programming books. The forum moderator should really make a sticky on just game programming books. But what programming book would you recommend for somone who knows C++ but has no clue at all how to game program (like me)?
