Thread: Game Power in C and C++

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  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Question Game Power in C and C++

    I just started learning C and C++, and im planning on making some pretty big games with them. I know C++ can make the games, but I LOVE C, its more neat and clean.

    Could I make a retail quality game in C? I really dont expect I can, but Id rather make sure then spend all my time programming in a language that confuses me.

    Now Bjarne Stroustrup (creator of C++) compiled a list of things we use in our dayto day lives the use C++...Phone Companys, Cencus, Immigration...And so on, yet what interested me is that all Microsoft games are written in an engine made with C++... This amazed me, As I said im new to C and C++. Right now im starting a small Game Making Team...Were almost a year old. Were Semi-successful yet we, thus far used game creation programs. I want to make our own programs, with those program you must learn basic languages of course, and i am studying C and C++...So I have a very vague idea of their power. But I cant learn C++, I read the tutorials over and over again...Something about it just doesnt stick. So if there isnt a way to make a game (IE Halo, ElderScrolls 3 Morrowind) in C, does anyone have any tips on learning C++?
    (I use this sites tutorial)

    Thanks much,

    Note: Sorry for ALL the spelling errors, I have horrible spelling and spell check doesnt work
    Last edited by shadok; 08-19-2006 at 11:10 PM.

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