Full code in a wordpad file here:

Real simple. InitGeometry(); is called when you press the C key. "C" for "Create stuff" you can think of it as. Upon pressing the D key, it calls DestroyGeometry(); which is supposed to delete meshes, tetxures, and materials.

The problem? Everything compiles fine, however I get an error when I press D to call DestroyGeometry.
VOID DestroyGeometry(int NUMOFOBJECTS)
	int w;
		if( m_pMeshMaterials[w] )
			delete[] m_pMeshMaterials[w];
		if( m_pMeshTextures[w] )
			for( DWORD i = 0; i < m_dwNumMaterials[w]; i++ )
				if( m_pMeshTextures[w][i] )
			delete[] m_pMeshTextures[w];
		if( m_pMesh[w] )

I load in two meshes with InitGeometry(2); The "2" tells the InitGeometry loop how many times to loop so it loads in 2 objects. So I use the same method with DestroyGeometry. DestroyGeometry(2); so it loops through the FOR loop twice for both objects.

I did read that you have to be careful when deleting things, so I guess it's good that I'm asking about this before my computer blows up.

I've messed around with this a bit.

It likes this line: delete[] m_pMeshMaterials[w];

But it doesn't like this one: m_pMeshTextures[w][i]->Release();
That's where it messes up. The debugger doesn't seem to yield any useful information.