Classes ended yesterday, exams don't start for 3 weeks == I actually have time for fun things!

I put together a simple demo of my Continuous Level of Detail Terrain Renderer and posted the source on my website for your enjoyment. It is an implementation of Roettgers algorithm. You can use the code in your own projects under the terms of the GPL (please understand what this means. if you're not familiar with the GPL or you're unsure, just ask )

This is more of a source dump rather than some kind of tutorial, as a result... the documentation is sparse and the code is complex. If you really want to know whats going on I suggest you read Roettger's paper on rendering continous level of detail height fields

I have successfully run this on OSX and Linux. It should theortically run on windows just fine as well. Just have a look at the README for compilation instructions (in particular, note that you have to define the OS at build time as either OSX, LINUX, or WIN32).

Quote Originally Posted by README

Continuous Level of Detail Terrain Rendering Demo

Table of Contents:
- What this is
- What this is not
- HOWTO build (OSX, Linux, windows)
- Controls
- Source Code

What this is:
A demo showing an implementation of Roettgers terrain
rendering algorithm. Includes a sample terrain and
texture (both generated using tools from
as well as a sample driver (Main.cpp) which shows
how to use the terrain class.

Be sure to try toggling filled and wireframe mode to
see the algorithm in action!

What this is not:
A game engine, a complete rendering engine, or any
other combination of words which involve "engine"
without "terrain" :P

Simple camera movement and collision detection with
the terrain has been implemented to allow you to
explore the terrain. But there is no polish or gold

HOWTO build:
A makefile is included (and is set up for a linux build)
You need to define one of 3 flags at compiler time to
specify your target OS. Use either OSX, LINUX, or WIN32
(ie. -DOSX, -DLINXU, or -DWIN32 as a compile option)

You will need the GLUT and OpenGL libraries installed.

For OSX (XCode), simply import the souce files and add
the GLUT and OpenGL framewords to your project.

a,s,w,d -- Standard FPS controls (movement)
mouse -- Look
PG_UP -- Increase height above terrain
PG_DN -- Decrease height above terrain

7,8 -- Toggle fog
9,0 -- Toggle filled/wireframe rendering

Source Code:
The souce code is available for use under the terms
of the GPL (
Please leave the License agreement in the source
files and credit the use of this software. Other
than that, enjoy!

(c) Jeff Pound, 2006
Download details here: