Okay, so I got this bit of code from NeHe, it works alright, havn't had any problems with it so far..

LRESULT	CALLBACK WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM);				// Declaration For WndProc

AUX_RGBImageRec *LoadBMP(const char *Filename)						// Loads A Bitmap Image
	FILE *File=NULL;												// File Handle

	if (!Filename)													// Make Sure A Filename Was Given
		return NULL;												// If Not Return NULL

	File=fopen(Filename,"r");										// Check To See If The File Exists

	if (File)														// Does The File Exist?
		fclose(File);												// Close The Handle
		return auxDIBImageLoad(Filename);							// Load The Bitmap And Return A Pointer

	return NULL;													// If Load Failed Return NULL

GLuint LoadGLTexture( const char *filename )						// Load Bitmaps And Convert To Textures
	AUX_RGBImageRec *pImage;										// Create Storage Space For The Texture
	GLuint texture = 0;												// Texture ID

	pImage = LoadBMP( filename );									// Loads The Bitmap Specified By filename

	// Load The Bitmap, Check For Errors, If Bitmap's Not Found Quit
	if ( pImage != NULL && pImage->data != NULL )					// If Texture Image Exists
		glGenTextures(1, &texture);									// Create The Texture

		// Typical Texture Generation Using Data From The Bitmap
		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
		glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, pImage->sizeX, pImage->sizeY, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pImage->data);

		free(pImage->data);											// Free The Texture Image Memory
		free(pImage);												// Free The Image Structure

	return texture;													// Return The Status
I notice that it uses auxDIBImageLoad to actually load the bitmap... The way my program is set up, I want to create a texture object with its own loading function..

Something like

class BMPTexture
// storage structs
// Loading Code
I kinda want to mirror this setup (snipped from my MS3DModel definition)

class MS3DModel


	virtual ~MS3DModel();

	struct Vertex
		char BoneID;
		float Location[3];

	int NumVertices;
	Vertex *Vertices;

	struct Triangle
		float VertexNormals[3][3];
		float Textures1[3], Textures2[3];
		int VertexIndices[3];

	int NumTriangles;
	Triangle *Triangles;

	struct Mesh
		int MaterialIndex;
		int NumTriangles;
		int *TriangleIndices;

	int NumMeshes;
	Mesh *Meshes;

	struct Material
		float Ambient[4], Diffuse[4], Specular[4], Emissive[4];
		float Shininess;
		GLuint Texture;
		char *TextureFilename;

	int NumMaterials;
	Material *Materials;

	bool Load( const std::string & name );
	void ReloadTextures();
	void Draw();
Aside from the drawing function and reloadTextures function, and of course different storage structures, I want to mirror this setup, I find it works quite nicely with the resource manager I've created, shown here:

template< typename T_ >
class Resource_Manager


	typedef T_ value_type; // std library convention 

	typedef boost::shared_ptr<T_> Resource_Ptr;
	typedef boost::weak_ptr<T_> Resource_Observer;
	typedef std::map< std::string, Resource_Ptr > Resource_Map;

	Resource_Manager<T_>() {};
	~Resource_Manager<T_>() {};

	Resource_Observer Request_Resource(const std::string & name)
		Resource_Map::iterator  it = mResources.find(name);

		if (it == mResources.end())
			Resource_Ptr Raw_Resource(new T_);
			mResources.insert(std::make_pair(name, Raw_Resource));
			Resource_Observer Resource(Raw_Resource);
			return Resource;
			return Resource_Observer(it->second);

	void Request_Resource_Removal(const std::string & name)
		Resource_Map::iterator it = mResources.find(name);

		if (it != mResources.end())

	Resource_Map  mResources;
As you can see, it returns a resource observer weak pointer, but the actual loading of the bitmap returns a texture ID. While applying textures via ID is what I want to be able to do, you kinda have to in opengl. HMmmm...

Looking at the loading code more closely, LoadBMP actually returns a pointer to the actual bitmap, while the GLLoadTexture func creates the texID.. The reason I want to use my manager to do all this stuff is, not to sound boastful, basically that my resource manager can do a cleaner job than the auxDIBImageLoad function. I don't really have to worry about deleting stuff with my resource manager, it is a nice way to do things IMO..

I guess my dilemma is this..

My resource manager handles pointers, it doesn't handle ID's, thus I can't mix ID creation in with my texture manager, unless maybe I'm returning an observer with a tex ID in it..... Ah yes, that's it.

If I mirror the MS3D setup I can easily add an ID in the info structs and then access the ID of the texture object with methods in that class..

So I'm guessing when I get down to it, it looks like this:

Resource_Manager&lt;BMPTexture&gt; Textures;
Textures.Request_Resource("texture name here");

Then I can access the ID via the return value of the request resource method, which is a resource observer..

Okay, is this making sense to you guys? Am I in rightful reason to want to avoid the auxDIBImageLoad function? Is what I'm proposing making sense to you guys?


EDIT: Really I just need to know how to load a bitmap without using auxDIBImageLoad..