I'm trying to display text on the screen, but my worst nightmare happens: the program compiles, no errors, but nothing happens when I run the program. All I get is a black screen.
I wrote the code so that I code write text onto the screen by simply doing
glPrint("Hello World %2.2f", float_var);
It's supposed to parse strings just like a real printf() would do.
This is the code I'm using:

// this selects the current font to be used in drawing
void buildfont() {
	base = glGenLists(96);	// storage for 96 charecters
				kFontIDMonaco,		// Choose your font. These are listed in Fonts.h, 
									// or use GetFNum() toolbox function.
				bold,				// Style, Also in Fonts.h
				24,					// 12 point			
				32,					// start at 32 ...
				96,					// go for 96 characters ...

// supposed to look like an "official" opengl function :)
void glPrint(const char *fmt, ...) {

	char text[256];				// holds the string
	va_list ap;					// pointer to list of arguments
	if (fmt == NULL)			// make sure there is text here
	va_start(ap, fmt);			// parses the string for variables
	vsprintf(text, fmt, ap);	// convert the symbols into actual numbers
	va_end(ap);					// results are stored in text
	glPushAttrib(GL_LIST_BIT);	// pushes the display list bits
	glListBase(base-32);		// sets the base charecter to 32
	glCallLists(strlen(text), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, text);	// draws the display list text
	glPopAttrib();				// pops the display list bits back to the way it was before
Does the problem lie within the Apple specific code, agl? Or am I doing something wrong with GLUT?