Okay, So I've busted my ass for 2 months getting a competant resource manager running, and I can now say it will run successfully with no memory leaks at all! A nice combination of boost shared_ptr and boost weak_ptr does the trick nicely...

Now, I'm going to take a leap and assume that a Render engine simply draws stuff, and requests instances of resources from the resource manager, right?

Now with that, I'm going to ask, what tells the render engine what to draw?! I'm talking in terms of pure geometry, not special effects or anything, because we all know that the render engine will perform nifty special effect techniques in the end...

But where the heck does the render engine get its information? From a logic engine? Is this where I actually start programming my game? Are you serious?

Another thing, how should you arrange Objects in your game? What system controls the creation and arrangement of logical, renderable, and physical objects? Is that the logic engine too? Blehh, hopefully someone can answer my questions..