Thread: Some per poly collision detection code

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    May 2005

    Some per poly collision detection code (+screenie)

    I hashed this out over several days and tested it. I do a lot of ugly things in there just to get something produced and working (not worried about speed right now). I haven't been posting any progress so I decided to at least post some code and a screenshot.

    The screenshot just shows a collision (the sphere) the center of the poly, and the poly itself that's being collided with.

    Some ugly things I do:
    • Too many normalize() calls
    • Check all bsp leafs instead of only checking the ones I cross

    I'm posting code here in the order of abstractdion, i.e, the first functions are the most basic/primitive and the scope of their functionality is smallest.

    The last thing I post is a simple way to handle some physics in my physics manager (this is being re-done along with the collision detection mind you).

    BOOL	CCWPointInTri(float	P1X,float	P1Y,float	P1Z,
    					  float	P2X,float	P2Y,float	P2Z,
    					  float	P3X,float	P3Y,float	P3Z,
    					  float	NormalX,float	NormalY,float	NormalZ,
    					  float	PointX,float PointY,float	PointZ,float Radius)
    	Vector3	Point1(P1X,P1Y,P1Z);	Vector3	Point2(P2X,P2Y,P2Z);	Vector3	Point3(P3X,P3Y,P3Z);
    	Vector3	Normal(NormalX,NormalY,NormalZ);
    	Vector3 Point(PointX,PointY,PointZ);
    	Vector3	LocalPoint = Point - Point1; //The point in local coordintes with respect to a vertex 
    	Vector3	DiffVector	=	Point2 - Point1;
    	Vector3	InwardVector(0,0,0);
    	InwardVector	=	CrossProduct(&Normal,&DiffVector);
    	if(DotProduct(&InwardVector,&LocalPoint) <= -(Radius + globaltolerance))
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "Returning on first point" << "\n";	)
    		return	FALSE;
    	LocalPoint	=	Point  - Point2;
    	DiffVector	=	Point3 - Point2;
    	InwardVector	=	CrossProduct(&Normal,&DiffVector);
    	if(DotProduct(&InwardVector,&LocalPoint) <= -(Radius + globaltolerance))
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "Returning on second point" << "\n";	)
    		return	FALSE;
    	LocalPoint	=	Point  - Point3;
    	DiffVector	=	Point1 - Point3;
    	InwardVector	=	CrossProduct(&Normal,&DiffVector);
    	if(DotProduct(&InwardVector,&LocalPoint)<= -(Radius + globaltolerance))
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "Returning on third point" << "\n";	)
    		return	FALSE;
    	return	TRUE;
    BOOL	CWPointInTri(float	P1X,float	P1Y,float	P1Z,
    					  float	P2X,float	P2Y,float	P2Z,
    					  float	P3X,float	P3Y,float	P3Z,
    					  float	NormalX,float	NormalY,float	NormalZ,
    					  float	PointX,float PointY,float	PointZ,float Radius)
    	Vector3	Point1(P1X,P1Y,P1Z);	Vector3	Point2(P2X,P2Y,P2Z);	Vector3	Point3(P3X,P3Y,P3Z);
    	Vector3	Normal(-NormalX,-NormalY,-NormalZ);
    	Vector3 Point(PointX,PointY,PointZ);
    	Vector3	LocalPoint = Point - Point1; //The point in local coordintes with respect to a vertex 
    	Vector3	DiffVector	=	Point2 - Point1;
    	Vector3	InwardVector(0,0,0);
    	InwardVector	=	CrossProduct(&Normal,&DiffVector);
    	if(DotProduct(&InwardVector,&LocalPoint) <= -(Radius + globaltolerance))
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "\nReturning on first point" << "\n";	)
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "DP InVec, LocalPoint: " << DotProduct(&InwardVector,&LocalPoint) << "\n";)
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "GlobalTolerance: " << globaltolerance << "\n"; )
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "DP Diff, In: " << DotProduct(&DiffVector,&InwardVector) << "\n"; )
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "LocalPointlength: " << LocalPoint.GetLength() << "\n"; )	//small? small == bad?
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "DiffVector(edge) length: " << DiffVector.GetLength() << "\n"; )  //small? small == bad?
    		//construct a temporary plane and see if it would work any better
    		float	PlaneD = DotProduct(&InwardVector,&Point1); //point1 + point3 are both on plane
    		CCWPITDEBUG(trace << "PlaneD: " << PlaneD << "\n"; )
    		float	Dist = DotProduct(&InwardVector,&Point) - PlaneD;
    		CCWPITDEBUG(trace << "Dist: " << Dist << "\n"; )
    		return	FALSE;
    	LocalPoint	=	Point  - Point2;
    	DiffVector	=	Point3 - Point2;
    	InwardVector	=	CrossProduct(&Normal,&DiffVector);
    	if(DotProduct(&InwardVector,&LocalPoint) <= -(Radius+globaltolerance))
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "\nReturning on second point" << "\n";	)
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "DP InVec, LocalPoint: " << DotProduct(&InwardVector,&LocalPoint) << "\n";)
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "GlobalTolerance: " << globaltolerance << "\n"; )
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "DP Diff, In: " << DotProduct(&DiffVector,&InwardVector) << "\n"; )
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "LocalPointlength: " << LocalPoint.GetLength() << "\n"; )	//small? small == bad?
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "DiffVector(edge) length: " << DiffVector.GetLength() << "\n"; )  //small? small == bad?
    		//construct a temporary plane and see if it would work any better
    		float	PlaneD = DotProduct(&InwardVector,&Point1); //point1 + point3 are both on plane
    		CCWPITDEBUG(trace << "PlaneD: " << PlaneD << "\n"; )
    		float	Dist = DotProduct(&InwardVector,&Point) - PlaneD;
    		CCWPITDEBUG(trace << "Dist: " << Dist << "\n"; )
    		return	FALSE;
    	LocalPoint	=	Point  - Point3;
    	DiffVector	=	Point1 - Point3;
    	InwardVector	=	CrossProduct(&Normal,&DiffVector);
    	if(DotProduct(&InwardVector,&LocalPoint) <= -(Radius + globaltolerance))
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "\nReturning on third point" << "\n";	)
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "DP InVec, LocalPoint: " << DotProduct(&InwardVector,&LocalPoint) << "\n";)
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "GlobalTolerance: " << globaltolerance << "\n"; )
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "DP Diff, In: " << DotProduct(&DiffVector,&InwardVector) << "\n"; )
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "LocalPointlength: " << LocalPoint.GetLength() << "\n"; )	//small? small == bad?
    		CCWPITDEBUG(	trace << "DiffVector(edge) length: " << DiffVector.GetLength() << "\n"; )  //small? small == bad?
    		//construct a temporary plane and see if it would work any better
    		float	PlaneD = DotProduct(&InwardVector,&Point1); //point1 + point3 are both on plane
    		CCWPITDEBUG(trace << "PlaneD: " << PlaneD << "\n"; )
    		float	Dist = DotProduct(&InwardVector,&Point) - PlaneD;
    		CCWPITDEBUG(trace << "Dist: " << Dist << "\n"; )
    		return	FALSE;
    	return	TRUE;
    //Same thing, different version
    BOOL	CWPointInTri(float P1X,float P1Y,float P1Z, 
    					 float P2X,float P2Y,float P2Z, 
    					 float P3X,float P3Y,float P3Z, 
    					 float NormalX,float NormalY,float NormalZ,
    					 float PointX, float PointY, float PointZ)
    	Vector3	P1(P1X,P1Y,P1Z);
    	Vector3	P2(P2X,P2Y,P2Z);
    	Vector3	P3(P3X,P3Y,P3Z);
    	Vector3	Point(PointX,PointY,PointZ);
    	Vector3	Normal(NormalX,NormalY,NormalZ);
    	Vector3	Edge1 = P1 - P2;
    	Vector3	Edge2 = P2 - P3;
    	Vector3	Edge3 = P3 - P1;
    	Vector3	PminusP2 = Point - P2;
    	Vector3	PminusP3 = Point - P3;
    	Vector3	PminusP1 = Point - P1;
    	if(DotProduct(&Normal,&CrossProduct(&Edge1,&PminusP2)) >= globaltolerance)
    	if(DotProduct(&Normal,&CrossProduct(&Edge2,&PminusP3)) >= globaltolerance)
    	if(DotProduct(&Normal,&CrossProduct(&Edge3,&PminusP1)) >= globaltolerance)
    		return true;
    	return false;

    HitInfo	TraceSphereToBSPFaces(BSP *pBSP, Vector3	&Start,Vector3	&End,float	Radius, float	Epsilon)
    	Vector3	FinalHitPoint = End;
    	float	FinalHitFrac = 1.0f;
    	Vector3	FinalTempHitPoint1;
    	Vector3	FinalHitNormal(0,0,0);
    	Vector3	EndMinusStart = End - Start;
    	int		HitTri	=	-1;
    	tBSPFace	*pHitFace = NULL;
    	Vector3	P1,P2,P3;//temp verts on triangle
    //	std::vector<int>	LeafIndices;
    //	FindLeavesTouchedByMove(pBSP,Start,End,Radius,LeafIndices);
    	//Iterate through every leaf
    	for(int leaf = 0; leaf < pBSP->mNumLeafs; leaf++)
    //	for(int leaf = 0; leaf < LeafIndices.size(); leaf++)
    	//	tBSPLeaf	*pLeaf	=	&pBSP->mpLeafs[LeafIndices[leaf]];
    		tBSPLeaf	*pLeaf  =   &pBSP->mpLeafs[leaf];
    		for(int face = 0; face < pLeaf->facelist.size(); face++)
    			tBSPFace	*pFace = &pBSP->mpFaces[pLeaf->facelist[face]];
    			float	StartD = DotProduct(&pFace->vNormal,&Start) - pFace->planeD - TestBall.mRadius;
    				if(StartD > 0)
    					float	EndD = DotProduct(&pFace->vNormal,&End) - pFace->planeD - TestBall.mRadius;
    					if(EndD < 0)
    						float	AbsStart = fabs(StartD);
    						float	AbsEnd	 = fabs(EndD);
    						float	Total	 = AbsStart + AbsEnd;
    						float	tempFrac	 = (AbsStart - Epsilon)	/	Total;
    						if(tempFrac < 0.0f)	//FIXME: should I just return?
    							tempFrac = 0.0f;
    						else	if(tempFrac >= 1.0f)//FIXME: better handling here?
    							tempFrac = 1.0f;
    						if(tempFrac < FinalHitFrac)
    							Vector3	tempHitPoint = Start + EndMinusStart * tempFrac;
    							for(int tri = 0; tri < pFace->numMeshVerts / 3; tri++)
    										FinalHitPoint	=	Start + (End - Start) * tempFrac;//tempHitPoint;
    										FinalHitFrac	=	tempFrac;
    										FinalHitNormal  =   pFace->vNormal;
    		HitInfo	RetVal;
    		RetVal.HitPoint				=	FinalHitPoint;
    		RetVal.InterpValue			=	FinalHitFrac;
    		RetVal.HitNormal			=	FinalHitNormal;
    		return	RetVal;

    void	PhysicsManager::PHYSICS_RUNFRAMES()
    	double	numframes = mTimeBuffer	*	mFPS;
    	while(numframes >= 1.0f)
    		mTimeBuffer	-=	mSecondsPerFrame;
    		Renders/runs a single physics frame (each frame advances mSecondsPerFrame in time)
    void	PhysicsManager::RENDER_PHYSICS_FRAME()
    	RigidBody	*A,*B;
    	std::vector<RigidBody*>::iterator	ptr_outside;
    	//Add weight and predict positions for all rigid bodies
    	for(ptr_outside	=	mvRigidBodies.begin(); ptr_outside != mvRigidBodies.end(); ptr_outside++)
    		RigidBody &	A_ref = **(ptr_outside);
    		A_ref.mLinearMomentum += Vector3(0,-30,0) * mSecondsPerFrame;
    	for(ptr_outside	=	mvRigidBodies.begin(); ptr_outside != mvRigidBodies.end(); ptr_outside++)
    		RigidBody &	A_ref = **(ptr_outside);
    		//Check to see if the object hits the world
    		HitInfo	temp = TraceSphereToBSPFaces(gpBSP,A_ref.mPosition,A_ref.mPredictedPosition,A_ref.mRadius,5.0f);
    		if(temp.InterpValue	< 1.0f)	//it collided with world
    			A_ref.mPosition			= temp.HitPoint;
    			A_ref.mLinearVelocity	-= temp.HitNormal * DotProduct(&temp.HitNormal,&A_ref.mLinearVelocity) * 1.1;
    			A_ref.mLinearMomentum = A_ref.mLinearVelocity * A_ref.mMass;
    			A_ref.mPosition = A_ref.mPredictedPosition;
    Last edited by BobMcGee123; 01-31-2006 at 06:42 PM.
    I'm not immature, I'm refined in the opposite direction.

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