Hi all,

Here's my situation:

I have a bitmap (background... map of europe) that's 1152 x 965. As such, some of the countries and bodies of water are greater that 256 x 256 in size.

I'm trying to figure out a way to make a "highlighter" for when a user clicks on one country and scrolls over another. The country clicked on should change color, and the country moused over to should also change color.

I need the background to still be visible underneath this, due to having text on it.

I was thinking of using textures to accomplish this, by creating a bunch of bitmaps for the countries (which would be the highlight color), but the max (recommended) size of a texture is 256x256.... Should I just accept this (and scale the image when it comes to render time), or should I use a surface instead? (Is there any way to alpha blend surfaces?)

Or... alternatively, am I being a total idiot when there's a much easier (and less memory intensive-- 256 x 256 x 32 bit = huge bitmaps!) way to do this?? :P

