Kinda like space invaders idea.
I broke the task into milestones and created functions to clear the screen to an arbitrary colour & to set the pixels on screen to an arbitrary colour (to give the effect of a starry outer space)

Currently i'm writing code to load a texture (eg:spaceship) and use clipping & blitting functions to show that texture move around screen and be shown partially off the edge of the screen.
Have implemented a rectangle class and created a sourceRectangle (the texture) and destinationRectangle (the screen) to do this.

Also i am writing code for a visualisation class which:
- creates & stores collections of sprites
and a sprite class which:
-contains texture and can draw it@specific onscreen location
-knows about animation frames
-requires create & render functions

A vector class will be needed also.

If you read all that you will probably be quite confused, i need to get this altogether and coded with clarity so its a working 2D shooter game, i still have to stick in collision checking, AI, UI and worldentities if im to get a good grade (this is a project due in jan30th).

My question is, can anybody give me some links to similar games which would be using this kind of code creation. if i could see source code for simliar C++ vertical shooters it would be a good help. and if anybody has written these type of games and pearls of wisdom are welcome.

thanks in advance,
