I've just started using WATCOM C_C++ and I'm having some troubles.

I call _setvideomode and pass it the *best* video mode (based on struct videoconfig.adapter) and it works fine, but apparently the best mode for my adapter (FX5200) is 640x480x16. If I choose anything else (higher or lower, I wanted 800x600x256) my monitor goes on standby mode and I press space to turn it back on, and I never see my program.

Now I don't want any replies like "use OpenGL" or "why are you using DOS" - I can work that out on my own, I want to work as close to the hardware as possible without all the arcane crap more modern API's put you through.

I thought the problem might be something to do with my choice of target (I could have sworn I chose DOS16, but it turns out I'm using DOS32 with dos4gw extender).

Any help appreciated as always