Now I have a working MS3D Model Loader, a Working Render Engine, though it may be a small and nearly featureless one, I got one that works.

My next logical step is to create an Object class, and many derivedrens for each individual object I want to be in my world, Using proper inheritance I can make a powerfully object oriented game engine.

Each object will contain information telling us where in 3d space each model is. I will create a Mobile class which inherits Object, that will also contain movement variables, e.g, How fast can this object move? How fast can it accelerate? How fast can it turn? Etc etc... Also an index to a model the Mobile will need to use... Or in case the object doesn't have a three dimensional object already created for it, We'll store a Texture ID or two as well as a pointer to where the model is defined (maybe a box, or something like that, that we don't have an MS3D file for)..

I will also have a Statics class which inherits Object, this class will be essentially the same as mobiles, except for one key difference, these objects are "dummies", as in, they don't have their own movement variables, all they do is hold a location in space and maybe some extra information.. For instance,Things like resource type, resource amount... For resource production....

So This is the stage in my project I am at right now.... After I do all this junk I will plan on making enemy AI... This is the tough part, we have to add flight sim mathematics in for each AI ship so that they can be a competent opponent...

All this spacethemed dogfighting accompanied by a HOT techno metal track my friend made.... Will definately make for some intense space combat, on a very large scale!

My vision is this, remember episode three, of star wars? The game will be an RTS, meaning you can control each ships individual orders, (or follow prebuilt attack plans you can make back at base), all while fighting along side your AI pilots, pwninating capital ships and battlecruisers, FREAKIN SWEET!!

Any suggestions?