First of all hi,

I'm not a complete noob since I started to learn some C++ a few months ago. my will to learn lasted for a few weeks and when i decided to come back i had to relearn some basic stuff like loops,... in C++. But since m goal is to create games, I think I should focus on this part of programming.
I'd like to know where to start from? How can I use opengl or directX in C++(by the way i use Dev C++, and i have a computer at my disposition at all times ) ?
What are the basics to make a game ? even games like tetris would be nice for a start. I don't have too optimistic goals like making a Half Life 3.
I know there are many game programmers out there and I'd like them to tell me how to start all of this business? like give me a plan ex first learn C++ basics, then some Opengl,...

Thanks for your help and happy programming to all