Quote Originally Posted by Dae
Be harder to find resources explaining how to do it, let alone showing how, and much harder to code (involves changing colors, operating on pixels, probably advanced windows functions, maybe a library here and there, probably memory locations needed, accessing the video card drivers/or whatever/memory, and math++). Using a header (I forget which) you could make 2d ASCII graphics. Not only that but you'd be learning the function names/operations of your graphics library, instead of learning say OpenGL or Direct3D which you'd be forced to learn eventually when you wanted to do real good 3d programming (ie. projects). Making a graphics library would be like one of my expert projects.. I'd learn an actual graphics library first simply so you know what you're actually trying to make, to start, and second because my experience would be way underdeveloped for such a task.
Well what skills are required?

Obviously mastery of C++. But what else?