Don't get too excited about programming a game just yet. Take a deep breath and get ready for work before fun. I'm not trying to discourage you or anything, but you're going to have to work at a language before you try something like DirectX or OpenGL. Hell, I've been learning C/C++ for about 20 months, and i still don't think I have enough experiance to go into that. But don't give up! It may be difficult at first, but once you learn a language, you'll never forget it

I know HTML, Java, JavaScript, XML, C/C++, some Assembly, Z80 basic, and some VB. Want to know what got me started on programming about 4 years ago? The TI-83! Yep, the little (but expensive) calculators. With their compilers and language (Z80 Basic), I slowly learned how to make things. I advanced from plain text-based games, to full, graphical, in-depth, multiplayer RPGs and games. I was able to utilize the link port and make multiplayer options and games that looked as if they were programmed by a professional in Assembly.

All it takes is a little time and a little pratice here and there to make it possible. there is just one thing: DONT GIVE UP!

*You cannot fail--it is only a delay to your success.