I would like to add DirectInput to my app...


To create a DirectX 8.x interface with the DirectX 9.0 software development kit (SDK) without using CoCreateInstance :

Set "#define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x0800" before the include statement for Dinput8.h.
Call DirectInput8Create instead of DirectInputCreateEx.
Link to the Dinput8.lib library instead of Dinput.lib.
dinput8.lib =

dinput8.lib(dilib2.obj) : fatal error LNK1103: debugging information corrupt; recompile module
Error executing link.exe.
Tried to do some searching and is this a problem with MvC 6.0? thats what my compiler is...

great DirectX = Microsoft.. yet their ........ doens't work with their own compiler... how nice..

anyways what do i do?

also i thought i saw somewhere that i should include dinput8.h yet i only have dinput.h

whats going on?