Okay, I've search the forum, and the main method that people suggests involved setting up a 2D array of integers to be a coordinate plain, and basically charting out movement on that.

My main problem with this is that it'd call for a large number of if-statements to check the player's position.

I had a variant on this, whic basically involved using multiples of two and threes to generate a massive grid of non-repeating numbers. For all intents and purposes, it worked the same way, but there was no messing with arrays.

Same problems remain, though.

I also saw gameprogramming's text adventure. I found there method to be totally worthless.

Now, on IRC a while back, a guy was talking about how he was doing HIS text-adventure.

Basically, he had a room class, and from that, room objects. Each room object would point to/contain pointers to whatever rooms were surrounding it, I think. For instance, I think that roomA's toNorth variable would be a pointer to roomB's toSouth variable, and vice versa. This sound somewhat wrong to me, but that's the best I can recall.

I also seem to recall some sort of current_room object, which would basically pick up aspects of whatever room had been moved into by the player.

In other words, the gameworld was not a grid, but constructed of several objects linked by pointers.

Does anyone get what I'm talking about, and could work through my gaping headwound of a description and figure out what I'm trying to do or something?