When i write simple programs using dev c++ and glut, i get it to run fine finally, however. lol.

When i run the program, and quit, by either Esc or the Close Box Button, Dev C++ will not compile or run another program. Aparently it thinks my program is still running, and i have to press program reset.

I want to know is this a problem with the coding of the program? Ie is it actually not closing and causing memory leaks and whatnot? Or is this another quirk of Dev C++ i am missing? Because i have had Dev C++ do that before, however not with opengl programs. I believe it was incorrectly coded Win32 programs.

Anyway thanks again to anyone that helps, hopefully this will be the last of my quirk bugs lol.

Then ofcourse we got syntax, coding, and ect. Bugs.

Thanks all