Time to work on the GUI for the game. Blech, but it has to be done. So prob no more screenies till I get a GUI up and running complete with a targeting system.

Lots of work still to be done. Working on getting a 3D modelling program so I can begin to create my space fleets. If anyone would like to contribute it must be in X file format.

For meshes/models
Number of subsets in the mesh must also match the number of textures. If you want to wrap a mesh around the mesh then you only need 1 subset and 1 texture. My renderer will simply loop through the mesh subsets and change the texture as needed for each set.
I would ask that you limit the number of textures per ship since calling the API to switch textures can get expensive when you have a lot of ships on screen. But I'm sure you could probably get away with 10 or more textures per ship. Also if you are doing any light mapping please let me know which textures are the light maps so I can render them correctly.
Thanks in advance.