I added quite a bit of stuff although this screenie doesn't show all of it. Namely there are now laser, engine, and other sounds in the game. Also I've added a laser container to the game that tracks the lasers you fire. Everything is not perfect yet and the aiming looks a bit off. I need an equation that will fire a ray through screen point x,y (the cursor) in 3D space. I have a picking algo that will probably do the trick.

Also the frame rates have increased. All alpha blended objects are drawn at the same time so I don't have to constantly switch between states. The frame's counter doesn't reflect this because it is clamped to the refresh rate. However, note the frame time just below it. This is without any culling optimizations and without progressive planet meshes. I could probably get it up to over 200 FPS with all of that.

Thanks a million to Shakti who has helped me sort out quite a few bugs.