Finally got my 2D system working inside of Direct3D. I'm ready to implement my heads up display for my space ships, but I have one problem.

It seems that my alpha blending technique is causing the original color of the bitmap to be altered somewhat. I want the image color to stay intact, yet still be blended into the background.

Here is what I'm using:

1. Create image.
2. Grey scale and use as alpha texture.
3. Use DirectX texture tool to load image.
4. Convert image to A8R8G8B8 format.
5. Load alpha texture onto surface.
6. Save as DDS file.
7. Load into game engine.

Here are the device states:


Here is the result. My blue targeting cursor has turned a sky blue color. I know why its that color, but I'm not sure how to prevent it from changing colors.

Mr. Wizard???