Thanks to going back to finish my bachelor's and taking a new job that required me to learn code AS/400 apps, it's been a LONG time since written any code for the "fun" of it.

Every one of my previous projects fell prey to the same problem: biting off more than I could chew. So, since things have settled down at work and I've gotten past Critical Thinking and Algrebra II, I decided to start a new, bite-sized project.

Instead of trying to make a complete, robust game, I'm working on an interactive screensaver; kind of a mini-game.

It's going to have a little robot farmer who starts out with a bare patch of land and works it to produce a crop. He'll harvest and replant as needed, and I'm probably going to throw in some kind of antagonist (crop-eating robot bugs, maybe?).

The idea is that the farmbot will be completely autonomous, but the user will be able to control things that affect his environment. Almost, like a robotic pet that just so happens to farm.

Right now all I have is some basic features in place. At this point it's more of a simple demo. You control a box (in the "game" it will be an invisible bounding-box; it's only textured here so you can see it), that is limited in movement to the "farm" so I could test my collision detection.

*you know, writing SO much for such a simple demo feels like overkill*

uses DX8
Get the zip here