Hello. Is there any way to do simple collision avoidance for a system where one object is being chased by two others? The "prey" should be avoiding the "two predators". Two dimensional would be preferred. I can't seem to get anything to work correctly . Thank you! Here's the list of variables I'm using...(for reference)
Predator 1's x-coord: alpha
Predator 1's y-coord: beta
Predator 1's angle (from x-axis, angle>=0): theta
Predator 2's x-coord: iota
Predator 2's y-coord: kappa
Predator 2's angle (from x-axis, angle>=0): delta
Prey's x-coord: zeta
Prey's y-coord: epsilon
Prey's angle (from x-axis, angle>=0): eta

Here's my previous attempt that met very limited success.

a = alpha+x*cos(theta*(3.141596/180))*(3.141596/180);
b = beta+x*sin(theta*(3.141596/180))*(3.141596/180);
c = iota+y*cos(delta*(3.141596/180))*(3.141596/180);
d = kappa+y*sin(delta*(3.141596/180))*(3.141596/180);
f = zeta;
g = epsilon;
RAX = (f-a);
RAY = (g-b);
RAV = sqrt((RAX)*(RAX)+(RAY)*(RAY));
RAXB = (f-c);
RAYB = (g-d);
RAVB = sqrt((RAXB)*(RAXB)+(RAYB)*(RAYB));
if((((WT*(-delta))+(-theta))/2)>0 and (((WT*(-delta))+(-theta))/2)<180) eta+=1.0f;
if((((WT*(-delta))+(-theta))/2)>180 and (((WT*(-delta))+(-theta))/2)<360) eta-=1.0f;

Any suggestions? Thanks! I was referred here from the C++ board by elad.