Ok, I am making a battleship game, where I created an array of characters, 10x10. I filled every little element with a '1'. When I created nested loops and TextOut to display the grid, it never showed. Once I got it to actually tell me somthing, but it didn't like haveing an array as the string to output.
	case WM_PAINT:	//Repainting the Window
			hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
			int br=0;
			for (int x=0; x<10; x++)
				for (int y=0; y<10; y++)
				TextOut(hdc, br, 0, grid[x][y], grid[x][y]);
			EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
Oh, and here is my array:

char grid[10][10] = {
Could someone PLEASE tell me how to output this array to the screen with textout()! Thanks in advance.