Okay - I'm getting into OpenGL Game programming. OpenGL is a graphics only library. What about input? You can use three things that I know of:

DirectInput: Supposed to be hard to learn, Microsoft only

GLUT: Flexibility supposed to be limited. (PS can I use the Win32 API for everything, but use GLUT for input? How?)

Win32 API: Lag my friend, lag.

But also what I've been thinking - although Linux/Unix is a great OS, it isn't a gaming OS. Windows, sadly, is the gaming OS of choice. Is portibility really that important?

So what should I use? Win32? GLUT? DI? What are the pros/cons of each.

Also: How can I use GLUT with the win32 API? Is it possible?

PS: DirectSound vs FMOD. What are your thoughts?

EDIT: Is there anything else I can use for input?