
Sorry for the vague Subject but i wasnt sure exactly what to use anyway ill get straight to the point.

Ive created a windows gui in C++ using Asynchronous Sockets and a select based server in C ( on a unix platform ) which functions like a chat room. Everything works and ive tested it with a few client connections and the server handles fine, everyone can talk to each other no probs.

What I really want to do though is turn this into a very small (and i mean very small ) mud for example just allowing people to move around north, south, etc and maybe even interact with an NPC.

So its more of a concept problem I face at the moment as im not sure of the best way to store the room data, character data, how to handle the movement, etc. Im currently writing some MySQL connectivity and some kind of very simple authentication procedure where the user has to input a username and password to be authenticated before they connect, so I can increase / add to these tables with some character data but should I store room data in these tables aswell ? Or flat files ?

hmmm im not explaining myself very clearly, im just confused as to how MUDS process commands and display and store data efficiently. Only way ive thought of so far is a bunch of If statements checking the incoming buffer for commands and keeping peoples position in a small 2d array ? It just seems like a bad way to do it as its going to be alot of work on the server.?

If someone has managed to fathom out what im rambling on about and you could lend some advice or some pointers id very much appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

Mr Pickle.