Thread: Tetris Questions

  1. #16
    Registered User harryP's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Sure thing. A quick example:
    // Assume that a map has been loaded into a file the characters
    // used are stored in a MAP struct (assume it has two 2D arrays:
    // one to hold the map's characters and the other holding the
    // respective colours)
    MAP mp;
    // The size of the map
    COORD size = { mapSizeX, mapSizeY };
    // The location in the array to start drawing from (usually 0,0)
    COORD coord = { 0, 0 };
    // WriteConsoleOutput needs to use a CHAR_INFO structure as
    // it's source buffer (where it's taking the data from), which makes
    // things more complicated.  I suppose they do it for just that
    // reason.
    CHAR_INFO *buffer = new CHAR_INFO[mapSizeX * mapSizeY];
    // That ^ declared a 1-dimensional CHAR_INFO array.  I guess
    // they use CHAR_INFO because it can hold character information
    // and colour attributes.  Anyways, this made the array be the size
    // of the picture (or in this case, map) to draw
    // Now set up the region on-screen where we will draw
    SMALL_RECT rect;
    rect.Top = 0;
    rect.Left = 0; // Upper-left corner will be 0,0 (adjust this to your
    // needs)
    rect.Bottom = mapSizeY;
    rect.Right = mapSizeX;
    // Standard output handle
    HANDLE stdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
    // Now fill the array with the data from the map
    int offset = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
         for(int j = 0; j < width; j++,offset++)
              buffer[offset].Char.AsciiChar = mp.mapChars[i][j];
              buffer[offset].Attributes = mp.mapColours[i][j];
    // Now output the data all at once with WriteConsoleOutput
    WriteConsoleOutput(stdOut, // The output handle
         buffer, // The source array
         size, // The size of the block to draw
         coord, // The place to start copying from the source buffer (0,0)
         &rect); // The block on-screen to write to
    // Erase the buffer
    delete [] buffer;
    See? It's quite a bit of work. I recommend sticking to one of those libraries, it'll save boatloads of time. But if you really want to do it, more power to you .


    EDIT: I have AIM. My sn is HPotter385. And the newest CGL won't quite work, so I'll upload the fixed version here. Again, the documentation won't help you at all, just IM me or email me at [email protected] for information, cos a LOT has changed.
    Last edited by harryP; 10-27-2003 at 11:20 PM.
    Draco dormiens nunquam titallandus.
    Console Graphics Library:

  2. #17
    Registered User harryP's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ok, here it is. Now this is JUST the two required header files. No documentation, no Blitmap Creator, nothing. But this SHOULD work now.
    Draco dormiens nunquam titallandus.
    Console Graphics Library:

  3. #18
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Did you take out the M_BUTTON_CLICKED identifier from CGL? cause when i try to run the sample documentation code for the buttons, it gives me the error that M_BUTTON_CLICKED is undeclared... help lar lol

  4. #19
    Registered User harryP's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Lol yeah. It's now 'M_LEFT_BUTTON_CLICKED' and 'M_RIGHT_BUTTON_CLICKED'. Sorry -sheepish grin-.

    Draco dormiens nunquam titallandus.
    Console Graphics Library:

  5. #20
    Registered User harryP's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Also, I don't know if you're there yet, but a lot of the graphical functions there now have been superceded with a new class. The GraphicObject class lets you do everything you could before, plus lots more. It takes a reference to a Window object when you create a GraphicObject object. For example:
    GraphicObject gfxObj(wnd);
    From there, you can do loads of stuff. Draw lines with the MoveTo and LineTo functions (use MoveTo to specify the end point of the line, and LineTo to specify the beginning point). You can also use MoveTo to set the location of where to draw a point with the PointTo function.

    Lines are modified through pens. Use the GraphicObject function CreatePen to make a new pen.
    GraphicObject gfxObj(wnd);
    // Make a new pen
    gfxObj.CreatePen(2, // 2 characters wide\tall
         STYLE_DOT, // Dotted line (use STYLE_SOLID for a solid line or
         // STYLE_DASH for a dashed line
         F_BLUE | B_BLUE); // Blue
    // If you draw a line, point, or rectangle without creating a pen, a 
    // default pen is used (1 point width, solid, black)
    // Draw a line
    // Draws a line from 0,0 to 10,20
    Yeah there's a lot more but I don't want to clog this thread with this stuff, so email me and I'll send you some information (I'm still working on updates to the documentation).

    Draco dormiens nunquam titallandus.
    Console Graphics Library:

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