Something is definitely wrong with this book man, could you guys possibly reccommend a good one?
Deitel & Deitel's book is considered by many the best available.
Also, for their including header files, the syntax there is wrong. for example it says #include <cstdlib>. Just like that, no '.h' or anything, and that header file doesnt exist anyways!
That's correct, there is no .h at the end. The C++ Standard says there there is no .h at the end of the header files of the Standard C++ library and that all of the header files of the Standard C library get a c added before their name and the .h removed. By the way, MSVC does have these new headers, so why do you say they don't exist?
And there are no braces ({})!
Braces are only required if you want to have more than one statement executed for the if/else/while/do/for statement and even then you can use the comma operator.