Hey everyone, I'm trying to do some collision detection here. The problem is, I'm trying to check for a collision between a point and a rectangle, with the point moving at a fairly high number of pixels per frame; the rectangle is also very small. So I can't exactly do the typical "Is the point in the rectangle?" collision detection, which is the only kind that I can find, otherwise the point might just go straight through the rectangle and no collision might be detected.

So far, the only thing I've come up with is:
-Get the equation of the line that the point is following

-If the point is below and left of the rectangle, then:
   -If moving the point puts it above and to the right of the rectangle then:
      -See if the point's movement vector intersects the bottom or left sides of the rectangle
-Else if (...)
etc. etc. etc.

Does anybody have a faster and/or better way of doing this? (Or a link to a site that I missed...)