Thread: take a look

  1. #1

    take a look

    Hey, I'm a junior in high school and in a Computer Science class. It has to be the easiest thing in the world. the extend of what will be cover goes up to structs, and thats more than 25 weeks from now. So what i did is I read the book and did my own arkanoid type program; the thing is, I don't have anyone to tell me what I could do better in it cause the teacher only knows whats in the book. It did it in borland 5.something or other and i used graphics.h and a dos project.. can someone give me tips? Here's what I have, it compiles and runs just fine, i didnt document it at all so i guess ill do so in the post.. sigh

    #include <graphics.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <dos.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    struct ballobject   //The variables the ball needs to function
     int x1;
     int x2;
     int y1;  //coordinates
     int y2;
     int xmag;
     int ymag;  //magnitude of direction; -1 for back and 1 for forward
    struct paddleobject  //the paddle on the bottom's vars
    	int x1;
       int x2;         //coords
       int y1;
       int y2;
    struct targetobject     //the targets
    	int x1;
       int x2;
       int y1;  //coords
       int y2;
       int gone;  //so i know when its been hit
    ballobject ball; //makes a ball
    paddleobject paddle;   //makes a paddle
    targetobject target1[12];   //makes 12 targets
    int num_of_targ = 12; //assign to a var so that i only have to change it here if
                          //i want to change it in the whole prog
    void drawball();//the backbone of user input and screen output
    void moveball();   //functions i'll need; ill explain them below
    void eraseball();
    void getmag();
    int gameend = 0;    //if the user presses q
    int loss = 0;   //if the balls falls past bottom
    int loop;  //my cheesy way of doing speed, see below
    int main()
       time_t seconds;  //for srand
       time(&seconds);     //etc
       srand((unsigned int) seconds);  //for srand
       int gameyes=1;  //the game is in progress
       cout<<"enter ball speed (recommended speed: 1 - 10): ";
       cin >> loop;  //this is actually the number of times the ball is drawn in place
       				//to produce a slower speed
       loop+=num_of_targ;  //the speed increases every time a target is hit, so add numebr of targets to
       				//loop for i dont get negatives
    	int graphicsdriver = DETECT, graphicsmode;
       initgraph(&graphicsdriver, &graphicsmode, "c:\\bc5\\bgi"); //set up graphics
       int ErrorCode = graphresult(); //display when **** happens
       if( ErrorCode != grOk ){
        printf(" Graphics System Error: %s\n", grapherrormsg( ErrorCode ) );
       outtext("Arkanoid by SaRGaS W-UP S-DOWN A-LEFT D-RIGHT");  //header in fullscreen
       lineto(639,9); //underline header
       ball.x1 = 318;
       ball.x2 = 322;
       ball.y1 = 238;
       ball.y2 = 242;
       ball.ymag = 1;
       ball.xmag = -1;
       paddle.x1 = 290;
       paddle.x2 = 340;
       paddle.y1 = 470;
       paddle.y2 = 471; //all of the above are beginning coords in pixels
       int temp;
       int temp2;   //for below
       for(int first = 0; first < num_of_targ; first++) //do this for all targets
         temp =  ((rand()%570)+20);  //store a random place on the screen in x axis
         temp2 = ((rand()%400)+10);  //do the same for y
         target1[first].x1 = temp;   //the random x, fits snugly in screen
         target1[first].y1 = temp2;  //same but with y
         target1[first].x2 = temp + 50;  //add 50 so that the target has a width
         target1[first].y2 = temp2 + 3;  //add the height of the target
         target1[first].gone = 0;   //it isnt dead yet
       moveto(ball.x1, ball.y1); //lets start where the ball starts
       drawball(); //this does more than just draw it, see below
       sleep(3); //wait for the user to see whats up
       while(1==1)  //do this untill a break
       	getmag();  //find where the ball is supposed to go
       	eraseball(); //erase,
       	moveball();   //move,
       	drawball();     //and redraw it
          if(gameend == 1)  //if the user pressed q,
           closegraph();  //then stop the game
          if(loss == 1)  //if he lost
           	closegraph();  //stop the game
             cout<<"Better luck next time! Again? 1 for yes 0 for no:";
             						//ask him if he wants to go again
             loss = 0; //reset loss
             break;//go out of loop
       cin>>gameyes;  //should the game still be in progress? (was prompted a couple lines up)
       }while(gameyes==1); //repeat from that do way up there while the game is in progress
       return 0;//bye bye
    void drawball() //the backbone of user input and screen output
       for(int x = 0; x<loop; x++)//the number of times to repeat this before the ball is moved
    	{  //it draws the ball in the same place so humans have enough time to respond (loop times)
        rectangle(ball.x1, ball.y1, ball.x2, ball.y2); //draw the ball
        rectangle(paddle.x1, paddle.y1, paddle.x2, paddle.y2); //draw the paddle
        for(int y = 0; y < num_of_targ; y++)//draw the targets
             if(target1[y].gone !=1)//draw unless they are gone
    			 rectangle(target1[y].x1, target1[y].y1, target1[y].x2, target1[y].y2);
        if(kbhit())//if the user presses a key
          char x;
          x = getch();//what key did he press?
        	if(x=='a')//if he pressed a
                setcolor(BLACK);//these 3 lines erase the previous paddle
                rectangle(paddle.x1, paddle.y1, paddle.x2, paddle.y2);
            		paddle.x1 = paddle.x1 - 25;  //this moves the paddle, its drawn on the next loop
            		paddle.x2 = paddle.x2 - 25;
          	if(x=='d')   //same as above
                rectangle(paddle.x1, paddle.y1, paddle.x2, paddle.y2);
            		paddle.x1 = paddle.x1 + 25;
            		paddle.x2 = paddle.x2 + 25;
             if(x=='w')   //same as above
                rectangle(paddle.x1, paddle.y1, paddle.x2, paddle.y2);
            		paddle.y1 = paddle.y1 - 15;  //yes, you can move up and down!
            		paddle.y2 = paddle.y2 - 15;
          	if(x=='s')  //same as above
                rectangle(paddle.x1, paddle.y1, paddle.x2, paddle.y2);
            		paddle.y1 = paddle.y1 + 15;
            		paddle.y2 = paddle.y2 + 15;
             if(x=='q') //if he hits q then go away
             	gameend = 1;
    void moveball() //makes the ball move by adding the magnitude of the ball to the coord
    	ball.x1 = ball.x1 + ball.xmag;
       ball.x2 = ball.x2 + ball.xmag;
       ball.y1 = ball.y1 + ball.ymag;
       ball.y2 = ball.y2 + ball.ymag;
    void eraseball() //gets rid of a ball before moving it
       rectangle(ball.x1, ball.y1, ball.x2, ball.y2);
    void getmag() //gets the magnitude of the ball, the ifs get tricky here
    	if(ball.x1 == 1) //if it hits the left wall
       	ball.xmag = ball.xmag * -1;//switch the magnitude
       if(ball.x2 == 639)//if it hits the right wall
       	ball.xmag = ball.xmag * -1; //switch the magnitude
       if(ball.y1 == 10)//if it hits the line below the header
       	ball.ymag = ball.ymag * -1;//switch the magnitude
       if(ball.y2 == 479) //if it hits the ground
       	loss = 1;//you lose
          //ball.ymag = ball.ymag * -1;  <--- i used that for testing, it would bounce off ground
       if(ball.y2 == paddle.y1 && (ball.x2 < paddle.x2 && ball.x1 > paddle.x1))
       { //yipes! if the bottom of the ball hits the top of the paddle and it is between the paddle
          ball.ymag = ball.ymag * -1; //reverse the magnitude
       //HITTING A TARGET (i cry)
       for(int check = 0; check < num_of_targ; check++) //check all the targets
       	if(ball.y2 == target1[check].y1 && ( ball.x2 < target1[check].x2 && ball.x1 > target1[check].x1) && target1[check].gone!=1)
          	{//if it hits the top of a target with the bottom of the ball, and it is between the target
             	target1[check].gone = 1; //the target is gone
                ball.ymag = ball.ymag * -1; //reverse the magnitude
                setcolor(BLACK);//the next 3 erase the target
       			rectangle(target1[check].x1, target1[check].y1, target1[check].x2, target1[check].y2);
                --loop; //makes the ball faster
          if(ball.y1 == target1[check].y2 && ( ball.x2 < target1[check].x2 && ball.x1 > target1[check].x1) && target1[check].gone!=1)
          	{ //does the same as above but this time if it hits the bottom of a target with the top of the ball
             	target1[check].gone = 1;
                ball.ymag = ball.ymag * -1;
       			rectangle(target1[check].x1, target1[check].y1, target1[check].x2, target1[check].y2);
                 //WOOT! done

  2. #2
    arr no one helpin me

  3. #3
    Registered User C_Coder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Ok I have 2 suggestions, but if your program works fine I'd leave it and start something new.

    (1): Instead of using square brackets [] declare a pointer and use that.

    (2): Instead of using ball.y1 = ball.y1 + ball.ymag
    use ball.y1 += ball.ymag.

    The 2 above should improve the efficency of your program, especially number (2), plus it's less to type.

    But as I said if your program works fine leave it.
    All spelling mistakes, syntatical errors and stupid comments are intentional.

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