Thread: Post your games here...

  1. #121
    Registered User
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    Fresno, CA
    Ninja Beat Jammer
    Musical Platformer

    Game description:
    Ninja Beat Jammer - Its like Guitar Hero, but with more style.
    Its like Super Mario, but without the Italian plumber.
    A top secret government breeding experiment between two totally different game genres has produced this Rythm-Action-Platforming extravanganza!
    Play only if you dare!
    (I dare you)

    The Story: In a dystopian, government ruled future a dude known only as 8O8 is visited by his late great great grandfather, Roland - whom bestows upon him great powers over the ancient martial art Beat-jitsu.
    But before 8O8 had a chance to understand what was going on, the elite govt robot task force was set after him.
    A heart warming tale of explosions, lasers and neon-pink hair dye, Ninjammin Beat-jitsu has something for everyone!

    Download: UppIT - Free File Sharing - Ninja Beat


  2. #122
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    ad infinitum, real time game of galatic conquest

    Post your games here...-spaceview-jpg
    I am coding an open source game: ad infinitum
    Link: ad-infinitum | Free Real Time Strategy software downloads at
    The project is currently a work in progress but an alpha version can be dowloaded at link. I hope this version gives a clear indication of the games direction.
    project is programed in C for windows and using the libraries of directX draw. The programs code can be found in the "code" file of the download. The game is conpiled using the free lcc-win32 compiler
    I welcome ideas, suport and help, and may come a calling here for assistance in programming.
    Yours ever, BB

    Post your games here...-planet-jpg
    ad infinitum planet view zoomed in

    Post your games here...-planet2-jpg
    ad infinitum orbital view of a world

  3. #123
    Programming Wraith GReaper's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    @BrodieBrodie, for some reason I can't download the latest version of your game!...

    EDIT: Never mind, I can now.
    Devoted my life to programming...

  4. #124
    Registered User
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    My first game.

    Here's my first game. No-frills console tic-tac-toe. CPU AI would be nice addition.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #125
    Registered User
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    Here is my favorite game I have made. It is called Galactic Battle.

    Operating system: Windows
    Compiler: Code::Blocks
    Graphics Library: Win32
    Other Libraries:
    Description: Try to stay alive by avoiding enemies and their missiles. Press enter to start a new game, space to shoot, up arrow key to move forward, right arrow key to rotate cw, and left arrow key to rotate ccw

    Here are the files

    If you have any comments, just PM me

  6. #126
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    Mar 2012

    need ur help if you will.

    your game is the closest I can find to what I want to do. However, I JUST started learning programming. I find seeing code and how it works, I learn a lot better, but I still want my game to be my own. Problem: I only have mobile internet at the moment and can't download your program code to learn. Would you be willing to send it to my email? As soon as I understand the principles better, I can even help you with your game better if you like. Please help, and I can assure you your game will improve because of it. Also, as I create mine I will share the code with you and you can see if you like it and want to use any of it's principles.
    Last edited by Salem; 02-28-2013 at 09:30 AM. Reason: no email

  7. #127
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    Here's a project I'm involved with, called Unvanquished. It's an open source FPS with RTS elements. The source code is located here, on our GitHub account. For the most part, we code in C, although some of the code is in C++.

    Post your games here...-hvbjml-jpeg

    We're also on SourceForge, and our project page is located here, along with the content needed to play the game.

    If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
    Last edited by kharnov; 04-08-2012 at 08:41 PM.

  8. #128
    Registered User
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    Apr 2012
    Whoops! Accidentally posted the old link, here's the new link to our GitHub:

    Haven't been able to edit the post, so I'd appreciate if a mod could replace the link.

  9. #129
    Registered User lalorobot's Avatar
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    This is a little cmd game I am developing there isn't really a story for it, it currently has only a little battle system with heal and attack,for some reason it stops working at the end..
    well here it is
    compiler: MinGW
    OS: Windows
    Graphics: none it is a cmd game
    How to open: go to menu all aps and open command prompt go to the directory you saved the file and open it by typing BattleKnight.exe

    This game is still in a very early stage! dont expect it to be awsome since it is the first game I code.

  10. #130
    Registered User
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    I created a 3D game called Galactic Battle 3D using directx 10.

    Operating system: Windows Vista or 7
    Compiler: MS Visual C++ Compiler
    Graphics Library: Direct3D 10
    Other Libraries: DirectInput 8, DirectSound 8
    Description: Shoot the aliens to gain points and the health packs to get more health
    You need to import these libraries: d3d10.lib d3dx10.lib d3dx10d.lib dinput8.lib dxguid.lib dsound.lib DXUTOpt.lib winmm.lib dxerr9.lib

    Here's the link to the games:

    If you have any comments, suggestions or question, please PM me.

  11. #131
    Don't be a jerk.
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    Snowball Arkansas

    Yaht-c, a yahtzee game in C

    An yahtzee game i have been working on in my free time.
    Farm chores first, code later, you know?
    made with code::blocks w/mingw
    compiler gcc
    runs from cmd.exe on windows, should work on unix/linux terminal.
    Hope someone enjoys it, and i hope to finish it soon!
    Attached Files Attached Files

  12. #132
    Don't be a jerk.
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    Snowball Arkansas

    yaht-C 1.2 released

    yaht-C version 1.2 has been released under the GNU GPLv3.
    I do not use linux/unix OS, and i have not tested it with those OS's.
    You may download it, and any further versions, here:
    Last edited by ramidavis; 02-04-2013 at 01:21 PM.

  13. #133
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    The edge of the known universe
    Too many spammers like the high view count, so closed.
    PM a mod if you want to contribute.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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