Operating system: XP SP2
Compiler: Dev-C++
Graphics Library: N/A (MS-DOS Console Program)
Other Libraries: Everything available with Dev-C++
Description: Select a weapon, select an enemy, select a difficulty and go. You can't control the character yet, but it's fun to watch him battle. Completely text based and uses Sleep() function to control program speed.
About source code structure: Yes, I could have jammed everything in seperate header files. But I didn't. Why not? I really couldn't be bothered in the slightest.
If anyone would like to rearrange my source into a better format, I'd love to see what else can be done with my program. Please e-mail me at silent_insomnia "at" hotmail "dot" co "dot" uk (Harvest this, spambots!)
Below is the source as attached. Will compile under the latest version of Dev-C++.
This is as the post implies a guess the number game. it's small, neat, and strangely addictive.
O.S: xp sp2
IDE: dev-c++
graphics: none, ms-dos
libraries: cstdlib, iostream
description: guess the random number!
Last edited by c89c; 06-08-2006 at 08:13 PM.
Hey, that program is included with Dev-C++. (I'm not sure if it's still included with it, but the version I had came with it)
Yeah, that's lame, don't post code that isn't your own.
Also, for all the people that are new to programming posting games. It's worth noting that in the "Libraries" section of your post, you don't need to write standard libraries like <iostream> and <string>. That section to post libraries that compilers wouldn't likely have so when people download your source, they know what they need to compile.
Sent from my iPadŽ
A very simple command line Tic-Tac-Toe game with very basic AI
Compiler: Cygwin gcc
tictac.exe should work on windows,
make -f makefile.unix for unix version.
controls: qweasdzxc (hit enter), p to quit
Link for zip
Last edited by glo; 06-10-2006 at 03:55 PM.
OK, So here is one of my first attempts at gaming. It simply creates a maze, using a simple A* algorithm, that the player has to navigate. There are multiple difficulty levels and a high score list. This is a console app so there are no graphics, only a lot of lines There is even a hint and an auto solve feature.
This runs on a full screen console. Display size is an issue here ( I am set up on 1280x1024 ) but the game should automatically detect your display size and adjust. Although I have not been able to test that part out yet.
Very simpleCode:Operating System : Windows XP, though I don't see why it would not work on 98 IDE : Dev-C++ Graphics Libraries : none
Let me know what you think!
Attachment 6869
Attachment 6870
Attachment 6871
Attachment 6872
@ Dark_Pheonix
1 Bit annoying that I had to totally recompile and link all the above source files together to get the game to run
2 Apart from that not bad, nice idea with the high score too. I am still working on my zelda clone game and when I finish it il post it here
1. oops, Sorry, I forgot to include the .exe I'll edit that in when I get home from work.
2. Thanks, the High score was actually just an afterthought.
Operating system: linux
Compiler: /usr/bin/python
Graphics Library: OpenGL
Other Libraries: pygame
Description: 3d Marble Madness Clone
link to file
A simple heightfield-based marble madness type game I made today at work. Features simple physics and heightfields loaded from .ppm images (which you can make using gimp). If you want to make a map, all you need to do is save a ppm in the maps directory. On maps lighter is higher, blue is the starting location, red is the ending location, and green is the inital camera position.
To run just cd to marmad and run ./main.py. You'll need pygame and pyopengl. The controls are: arrows move the ball around, a and d spin the camera, s and w zoom the camera, and r and f move the camera up and down.
Screenshot attached.
Illusion and reality become impartiality and confidence.
Attachment 7077
This is the first actual program I have ever made. I was really proud when I finished it, but stepping back now, it looks really crappy. Especially considering how long it took me.Code:Operating system: XP SP2 Compiler: Dev-C++ Graphics Library: None Other Libraries: Description: Its battleship....
However, I would still like any feedback.
Last edited by IdioticCreation; 10-11-2007 at 03:13 PM.
Explained in this thread
The link:
I'm not immature, I'm refined in the opposite direction.
Beta-alpha awesometron, this is captain stardust, over [klosdsxzpz].
[Kcchhrrhrhrhrhrhrh] - This is beta-alpha awesometron, we have recieved notice that a certain 'Tonto' has released a [khhxlchrh] game of pong on sourceforge. [Kzxcchhhrhrhrcchrhrhzhhrh] It has been described as 'playable' but still in a very early stage [xkkscfrrhhcch] of development. Please observe the following statistics about his [kkkkkccxxxxch] 'project'.
Target operating systems: XP/NT/2000
Compiler: VS 2005
Additional Libraries:
- Open GL
- glFont v2.0
Am I supposed to like, include all of the accessory libraries headers, import libs, and stuff in my source download? Or just make you guys download the accessory libraries you need?
So I made a tic tac toe game.
The AI is perfect (I think). I don't think you can beat it, just tie or lose.
Operating system: XP SP2
Compiler: Code::Blocks
Graphics Library: None
Other Libraries: None
Edit: Nevermind, you can beat it. It's hard to do through.
Edit: OK, updated it so you really can't beat it.
Last edited by IdioticCreation; 04-01-2007 at 12:12 PM.
Worked fine, I.C. I did find a pattern than enabled me to win everytime.
a1[p] b2[ai] c3[p] a3[qi] c1[p] c2[ai] b1[p]