This may sound kinda dumb, but I really want to be able to make some decent games with C++. All I can make now is stupid text-RPGs and stuff.

I really don't know that much C++, really. I've gone through the first 13 lessons from this site,

...And the first 8 1/2 lessons here:

...And with OpenGL, all I can do is make triangles and quads that rotate.

Can anyone give me some advice on what I should do if I wanna start programming games fast? Where can I learn lessons about how to program games, and important things in game development?

I've tried NeHe's tutorials, but I dunno...some of the stuff in his tuts seems kinda hard, and doesn't teach you how to program games specifically.

What I'd like to be able to do is to make a Tetris, tic-tac-toe, or a Snake replica with C++. But I really have no clue how to do that with what I know so far.