To add 2D sprites to a program, you could make a rectangle with the texture of the character, right? Well, how do you get rid of that background in the image of the character, leaving only the character?

Do you need some sort of mask?

Could someone explain how to do this? Plus, I'm still a little crappy on how to do bitmap textures...I read some of NeHe's tutorials, and some other ones, but I'm still kinda lost.

I still don't really understand how exactly OpenGL and Win32 work. Does everyone actually remember all that crap you need to set up the window, or do they just usually copy and paste it?

From what I understand,(please correct me if I'm wrong) but OpenGL is a library you can use to 'tap' into your comp's GDI with a Rendering Context, via some sorta of Device Context?

Anywho, do you know where I could possibly find some OpenGL tutorials that even a total idiot would understand? I've done C++ for a little while, and I know how to make DOS apps and such, and I'm comfortable with the rules and regs of the language for the most part, but this whole OpenGL thing confuses me a little.(mainly the setting up of the window, I guess)