Thread: DJGPP Doesn't include IOSTREAM!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1

    DJGPP Doesn't include IOSTREAM!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just downloaded DJGPP Friday, because I was getting frustrated with Dev-C++. Now I just noticed...IOSTREAM ISN"T IN DJGPP! I tried to copy Dev-C++'s iostream over into DJGPP's include directory. I kept coming up with some file is missing. I copy that file over. Then another is missing. Finally I copied Dev-C++ whole include directory over to DJGPP's. Still didn't work. I was tempted to hit my monitor.

    The reason I need IOSTREAM is for cin. If you have an cin equivelent, plz tell me!

    PS: If you are totally retarded and don't know what cin is, look at the tutorials.

  2. #2
    Registered User Strider's Avatar
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    Try using the gets() function with <stdio.h>

    You can look up the definition here:

    There are many other I/O functions in stdio.h that can be used as well.

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  3. #3
    Registered User EvenFlow's Avatar
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    Running Dev C++ and DJGPP does cause conflict on your computer. This is because both edit your autoexec.bat and both conflict over where header files are found. Try searching the DJGPP site to find iostream.h , or unistall it and reinstall if add the file and it still won't work.

    #include <iostream.h>
    int main()
      int num;
      cout << "enter a number" << endl;
      cin >> num;
      cout << "you typed " << num << endl;
      return 0;
    Something like that should work under any C++ compiler.
    Ramble on...

  4. #4
    Registered User EvenFlow's Avatar
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    Ramble on...

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    You could also trying using istream.h and ostream.h instead of both header files in one...

    #include <istream.h>
    #include <ostream.h>
    "Where genius ends, madness begins."

  6. #6
    Registered User dirkduck's Avatar
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    "Try using the gets() function with <stdio.h> "
    eh...shouldnt it be puts()?

  7. #7
    Registered User dirkduck's Avatar
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    DUH! just realized he said 'cin' not 'cout'...sorry, gets() is right . cheers

  8. #8
    Are you programming in c or in c++? You can`t use iostream.h
    in c programs.

    Are you sure you downloaded rights DJGPP files?
    If you didn`t download c++ exentsion you can`t to c++ programs

    It is impossible to get DJGPP work with another compiler include files.

  9. #9
    "The Oldest Member Here" Xterria's Avatar
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    frenchfry's right...I ditched DJGPP because it didn't include iostream...i bet this is a common problem, I re-installed DJGPP only 400 times

  10. #10
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    With DJGPP, the command to run the C++ compile is gxx, not gcc

    C program
    gcc prog.c

    C++ program
    gxx prog.cpp

    > It is impossible to get DJGPP work with another compiler include files.
    This is (almost always) true for any pair of compilers.
    Even with different versions of the same compiler, you're on a slippery slope.

    > I ditched DJGPP because it didn't include iostream
    It's here D:\DJGPP\lang\cxx\iostream.h
    If it isn't then you didn't download it or install it.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  11. #11
    Running Dev C++ and DJGPP does cause conflict on your computer. This is because both edit your autoexec.bat and both conflict over where header files are found.

    Not true. Dev-C++ can run on the same computer as DJGPP because Dev-C++ doesn't modify autoexec.bat. It can get away with this because it reads an .ini file in its current directory for path info. This lovely little feature will even allow you to run multiple versions of Dev-C++ without conflict.

    I would agree that you must not have downloaded all the components for DJGPP.

    But why don't you like Dev-C++? Add the wonderful graphics and sound library Allegro and you can have fast, DirectX games for Windows with little effort. You don't have to complie the library anymore. I've set up an installer for the latest version of Allegro for Dev-C++ at my site: It's all point and click and only about 1.6MB.

    (Of course, you may not like it for other reasons, so I'll stop shamelessly promoting my site now.)

  12. #12
    Former Member
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    of course it does, I've just made a simple cout program and it works..

    are you sure you installed it properly?


  13. #13
    I ditched Dev-C++ because it's DOS programs are f***ed up. Never mind anyway, im just going to use getch(). You say, that only checks if one key is pressed. True. But in my program it's better that way, so you dont have to press U enter just to move up. I got it to where you just press U with getch().

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