Hi every1:

Ok I hope i can be clear on this.

I have a program that thoughout last few months ,i have added
variety of more different features to it.
it is like an MDI window (it doesnt realy follow MDI protocol,but is
in the same concept) with more than 140 menu items,that each on their own menu commands like (game, edit, fun, time, ,,,,) ,if chosen will start a new program like:

(playing musical notes(keyboard), clipboard viewing, playing few graphical cartoons, simple word processor, font manuplation,sys color change, a mini game,a very simple calculator"results
are funny at times", bitmap DIB viewer, printer option and tons of different dlg boxes and list ,,,,,,,etc)

i want to set a new menu item to independently open

a "opengl graphic window" which is very basic (im new to opengl)and just shows a rotating blade on top of a triangle,

i want to be able to initialize this within the framework of that
menu command, and close it with another menu item.
just so i can have an extra feature added to
my just for fun & "NO PURPOSE"program.

looking at the opengl programs i have seen up to now ,it seems
opengl grabs a hold of the frame window its rendering to.

now can this be done without major changes to the code style of my program . example change getmessage to peekmessage & etc,,, ?if its possible. then i will give it a try .
