thx silvercord again i promise promise promise !
to be more clear on my questions these are my questions;

To all opengl vets:

1- do u use version1.1 headers and libs offered by ms on your

2-if yes why? when its a version (what i mean is the version that developers use) going back to 95 and i read there is newer version 1.2 (by sgi) out since 1999 but ms hasnt implemented it yet. so if
we use the older version how can we utilize the awesom new capabilities of new videocards like nvidia?

3- if i want to use the newer version headers and libs lets say 1.2
can i simply download it and extract the libs and header as i normaly do to vc++6 lib and include files?

4-why is opengl ARB lagging in sending out updated versions "like MS SDK" so it wont fall behind directx with newer technologies which it updates yearly .?

5-why the info about opengl so scattered and not centralized like DIRECTX MS and u have to learn by examples?

any answers to these or part of it in details need to go to FAQ section because these are i believe major questions for any
dude who is a beginner to opengl programming.

thx in advance