advanced OGL and DX shader samples.
advanced OGL and DX shader samples.
M.Eng Computer Engineering CandidateB.Sc Computer Science
Robotics and graphics enthusiast.
I am just learning to do some gaming programming and found http://lazyfooproductions.com/SDL_tutorials/index.php to be very helpful in learning a lot of the things that are needed to do the graphics, sound and controll portions in SDL . I haven't made it through all the of the tutorials, but I would recommend it.
Last edited by octavian; 02-17-2006 at 07:46 PM. Reason: more info
I would like to inform you about the new group for 2D Game Making Tutorials for newbies and not only.
These tutorials (I hope) might help and those that are not good in programming..
Anyone is welcome to add he's own tutorials.
All tutorials are in Open Document format, so you might need to download and use the free and excellent OpenOffice Suite.
Not sure if this has been posted here before but I just found it and I'm about to pop out so:
Nice meaty article about all things 3D (almost all). I'll certainly be giving this one a thorough read tonight!
Good class architecture is not like a Swiss Army Knife; it should be more like a well balanced throwing knife.
- Mike McShaffry
out of 100's that i have looked over there is not one that i would recomend because everone who writes a tutorial learns by text and i don't.
Last edited by D00M3D2; 04-10-2006 at 01:39 PM. Reason: miss spell
Tons of links to other sites:
And for terrain:
This site has many free game programming books availible for download. The reason that they are free is most likely because the books are slightly dated (ie 2003 instead of 2006).
The site doesn't just have game programming books, though. It has many other categories too, like php, html, css, regular C++, and much, much, more.....
You use cygwin? You have a problem compiling Nehe's opengl tutorial?
Nehe suggests to use VC++ to follow his tutorial but I searched everywhere for a way to compile it under cygwin when I came up with a solution:
Step1: Make sure you installed the right packages
cygwin has a nice collection of packages you can install and add with nothing but a click. Make sure you have the "opengl: OpenGL -related libraries" checked.
Step2: Make sure you have the opengl dll files in your windows\system32 folder
glut32.dll glu32.dll opengl32.dll or other appropriate ones when you make use of them.
Step3: Nehe's tutorials include an old library - The GLaux Library, which apparently is not supported anymore. An easy fix would be to comment out or delete the current including of the glaux header file and include the GLUT library instead:
#include <gl\glut.h>
Step4: Now to compile it under cygwin we will use the line:
where myprog is the file you saved the tutorial on. -mwindwos lets you have the standard libs linked in; -mno-cygwin lets your program run outside of cygwin environment; the -lglut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 make sure your program links the dlls.Code:g++ -mwindows -mno-cygwin -o myprog.exe myprog.cpp -lglut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32
Thats it.
Disclaimer: I am merely a beginner - this short solution may not work for you, but I think it should. Anyway hope this helps anyone out there.
Great explanation of the Separating Axis Theorem (2D Collision Detection).
Just one thing to add: at the bottom of the link you gave you can download the cygwin source code:Originally Posted by glo
DOWNLOAD Cygwin Code For This Lesson. ( Conversion by Stephan Ferraro )
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"The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." -- John Powell
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Projects: codeform, xuni, atlantis, nort, etc.
Very nice utility written in VB that will take any normal bitmap, perform gnomonic projection on it and save as 6 separate bitmaps.
These 6 bitmaps then can be used as cube maps for skyboxes, environment mapping, etc - with no seams if you do it correctly.
Your original bitmap should have a 2:1 ratio.
Thought this may be a good link, i found it great when i was choosing an ide and need to set up directX. Its a tutorial for setting up DirectX with Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition
Anyone know any good 3d math sites that kind of focus on the math you can use practically within 3d rather than all encompassing theory?
did anyone purchase the tutorial cd from gametutorials ? is it worth 70 dollars?