Hello all! I was hoping someone could help me with a problem. I have only been programming for a while now so the answer is probably easy, and I am probably doing things all wrong. Anyways, here I go. I created a simple game with an alian ship that travels from left to right at the top of the screen. With each pass it gets closer to the player. The players ship is a sprite that can travel left and right with the arrow keys. The problem is when I hit the fire button, I have to animate the missle (which is a single pixel at this moment) by using a loop. So, when the missle is fired the program loops to animate the projectile which is fine, but the game haults all action until the missle has hit something, or goes off the screen with a miss. How can I animate a single pixel missle without using a loop that stops game play? Or, if I have to use a loop, how can I position it in the main game loop and have it work out properly? Thanks for your time reading this and I hope someone can.