I was never really into games, but here's a blackjack game that I wrote today for practice. It's not meant to be really high tech or fully featured, just a little game for fun. What do you guys think and where can I improve it?
//		by Dr.Bebop
// Rules: Each player gets at most 5 cards. If the total
//        value of the cards is over 21 the player busts.
//        If a player gets a total of 21 with the first
//        two cards then they get a Blackjack, the highest
//        score in the game. Otherwise the winner is the
//        one with the highest total less than or equal to
//        21. In the event of a tie, the dealer wins the
//        hand.
#include <algorithm> // For random_shuffle().
#include <iostream>  // For cout and cin.
#include <cstdlib>   // For srand()
#include <cctype>    // For tolower().
#include <ctime>     // For time().
using namespace std;

const int N_CARDS = 52;  // Total number of cards.
int curr_card = 0;       // Current card in the deck, from 0 to 51

int deck[N_CARDS] = {    // Card values. Suit is ignored.

struct Part {                // Stuff for each player, number of cards,
	int n;               // the running total, and the individial
	int total;           // card values (for program upgrades).
	int cards[5];

// Take the deck of card values and mix them up randomly.
void shuffle_deck();
// Deal the first two cards.
Part first_deal( Part player );
// Deal out one card from the top of the deck (determined by curr_card)
int deal_one();
// After the first two cards are dealt, add another if the player wants.
Part hit_player( Part player );
// Test each player's hand and print who wins.
void check_score( Part player, Part dealer );

int main() {
	char play_again = 'y';
	char hit = 0;
	// Seed the random number generator.
	srand( (unsigned int)time( (time_t *)NULL ) );

	while( tolower( play_again ) == 'y' ) {
		Part dealer = {0}, player = {0};

		cout<< "Shuffling..." <<endl;
		cout<< "First deal..." <<endl;

		// Deal to players.
		player = first_deal( player );
		dealer = first_deal( dealer );

		// Begin play.
		while( true ) {
			cout<< "Your total is: " << player.total <<endl;
			cout<< "Hit? (y/n): "<<flush;
			cin.get( hit ).ignore();

			// Dealer AI. Very simple, based on casino rules.
			while( dealer.total < 16 ) {
				dealer = hit_player( dealer );
				if( dealer.n > 4 )

			// Player options.
			hit = tolower( hit );
			if( hit == 'y' ) {
				player = hit_player( player );
				if( player.total > 21 || player.n > 4 )
			else if ( hit == 'n' )
				cerr<< "Unknown selection" <<endl;
		// Print the winner.
		check_score( player, dealer );

		cout<< "Play again? (y/n): "<<flush;
		cin.get( play_again ).ignore();
	return 0;

void shuffle_deck() {
	random_shuffle( deck, (deck + N_CARDS) );
	// Reset curr_card to the top of the deck.
	curr_card = 0;

Part first_deal( Part player )
	player.cards[player.n++] = deal_one();
	player.cards[player.n++] = deal_one();
	// n = 2 after the previous two lines. It makes for easier blackjack tests.
	player.total += (player.cards[0] + player.cards[1]);

	return player;

int deal_one() {
	if( curr_card == 52 ) // If there are no more cards.
		shuffle_deck();   // Reshuffle the deck, start over at the top.
	return deck[curr_card++];

Part hit_player( Part player )
	int card = deal_one();

	if( card == 11 && (player.total + card) > 21 ) // Check for an ace.
		card = 1;
	player.cards[player.n++] = card;
	player.total += card;

	return player;

void check_score( Part player, Part dealer )
	if( dealer.total == 21 && dealer.n == 2 )      // Dealer blackjack.
		cout<< "Dealer blackjack. Dealer wins." <<endl;
	else if( player.total == 21 && player.n == 2 ) // Player blackjack.
		cout<< "BLACKJACK! You win!" <<endl;
	else if( player.total > 21 )                   // Player bust.
		cout<< "You busted. Dealer wins." <<endl;
	else if( dealer.total > 21 )                   // Dealer bust.
		cout<< "Dealer busts. You win!" <<endl;
	else if( dealer.total < player.total )         // Player high value.
		cout<< "You win!" <<endl;
	else if( player.total < dealer.total )         // Dealer high value.
		cout<< "Dealer wins." <<endl;
	else                                           // House wins in a tie.
		cout<< "Tie. Dealer wins." <<endl;