I decided to take some time and restructure/rethink my scroller/plotter (I love hex, but man it can be pain! ). With that in mind I started working on my games GUI features which I had pretty much designed and while I'm coding them, go back to the notepad/pen to rework my hex specific code.

Anyhow, I started working on my combo box class and command button class this morning. There's still some work to be done but they are pretty much fully functional now. The thing I'm most proud of is that the combo box list can dynamically grow/shrink.
To test this alter the "test.txt" file that's included. The first line is the number of items to populate the list. The following lines are the data for the specific rows of the combo box.
ie: Right now the list has 4 rows of data. To add a new row just change the 4 at the top of the file to a 5 and add another line of data.

It all uses DirectX 7. Input through DirectInput7 and drawing through DirectDraw7.

This is some of the code that I'm thinking about sharing as open source (probably in a tutorial on my site) so let me know if anyone is interested. If enough people are interested then I'll try to get the tutorial written this week and have the full source posted with it.

Controls: uses the system mouse.
*Click on the "exit" button to quit.
*Click on the drop down arrow on the combo box to open the list of items. Then click on an item in the list to set combo box'es value to that item's name.
