Nevermind! After sleeping and taking a break, I simple added an extra texture for DrawFace() and enabled alpha blending, and creating a light variable that multiples by 0x11111111 from 0x00000000 (Extremely dark) to 0xFFFFFFFF(Very light). This is what happens when I don't get any sleep and go insane -- Please take it from me, people, if you're on a serious project and you hit a brick wall, TAKE A BREAK AND GET SOME SLEEP. I was up for 48 hours trying the dumbest things you can imagine, but sleep and a simple break allowed me to find an intelligent solution quickly. Thanks anyways though!

(This is the second thread I've started asking for help and then finding the solution myself, perhaps the next time I consider posting a question on this forum I'll sleep, take a break and go at it all over again and again unless I'm *really* in a bind).

~TomTheFox / Xterria from